Put It On! cover art

Album published in 1996

It has an average rating of
8.0 10 1


Only contains 5 tracks, but shows a nice progression in their music from their first disc. Includes "Hey Jody" and "School Daze"
Created 2000-05-10 by Pete.
Last modified 2017-03-15 by WetzBot


  • 1. Goody Girl 3:56
  • 2. Hey Jody 4:58
  • 3. School Daze 3:57
  • 4. Cielo Drive 3:59
  • 5. Mary Pearl 5:02


  • 8.0
  • Pete
  • 2001-02-15
  • I've been a big fan of these guys since I first saw them in concert. I have to admit, I was bummed that they didn't include more songs on this CD, but the songs that are there are solid. They have a catching happy-ska sound that makes me want to jump up and dance a silly dance whenever I hear them.