
Album published in 1998

It has an average rating of
7.0 10 1


Has hit song "Lullyby"
Created 2001-05-06 by Pete.


  • 1. Anchored in You 3:21
  • 2. Lullaby 5:30
  • 3. The Gulf of Mexico 3:45
  • 4. September in Seattle 3:24
  • 5. Twin Rocks, Oregon 4:32
  • 6. And on a Rainy Night 3:22
  • 7. Tannin Bed Song 3:21
  • 8. Soul Child 4:34
  • 9. Ballad of Billy Jo McKay 3:21
  • 10. Patrick's Song 2:18
  • 11. Sunday Mornin' Comin' Down 6:15
  • 12. You Mean Everything to Me 3:45
  • 13. Shimmer 4:49


  • 7.0
  • Pete
  • 2001-05-06
  • A passing grade. It's a decent album, but I don't listen to it too often.