Amnesiac cover art

Album published in 2001 (released 2001-06-05)

It has an average rating of
10.0 10 1


This album continues in the same vein as Kid A. It is a mix of various electronic rhythms and beats, with an underlying Radiohead feel to it; meaning, very moody and somewhat slow, but with a lot of emotion. If you liked Kid A, odds are that you'll like this disc as well (and vice versa).

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Created 2001-06-11 by Pete.
Last modified 2015-09-16 by WetzBot


  • 1. Packt Like Sardines in a Crushd Tin Box 4:00
  • 2. Pyramid Song 4:49
  • 3. Pulk/Pull Revolving Doors 4:07
  • 4. You and Whose Army? 3:11
  • 5. I Might Be Wrong 4:53
  • 6. Knives Out 4:15
  • 7. Morning Bell/Amnesiac 3:14
  • 8. Dollars and Cents 4:51
  • 9. Hunting Bears 2:01
  • 10. Like Spinning Plates 3:57
  • 11. Life in a Glasshouse 4:34


  • 10.0
  • Pete
  • 2001-06-11
  • I'm really digging this album. I like the direction that they've been taking musically. They could have easily popped out an 11 track CD full of pop-ish tunes that everyone could sing along to. Instead, they've twisted their sound into something different and rather intriguing. The CD has a fairly slow pace, but it is not tedious in the least. On the contrary, each successive song seems to pull you further in. And, in traditional Radiohead fashion, it is a pretty moody and reflective album. If you are a happy-go-lucky pop fan, this CD (not to mention Radiohead in general) probably isn't for you. However, if you're into hearing something new and different, you'll probably like it.