Pinkerton cover art

Album published in 1996

It has an average rating of
8.0 10 1
Created 2002-05-15 by Pete.
Last modified 2017-03-15 by WetzBot


  • 1. Tired of Sex 3:01
  • 2. Getchoo 2:53
  • 3. No Other One 3:02
  • 4. Why Bother? 2:08
  • 5. Across the Sea 4:32
  • 6. The Good Life 4:17
  • 7. El Scorcho 4:04
  • 8. Pink Triangle 3:58
  • 9. Falling for You 3:48
  • 10. Butterfly 2:53


  • 8.0
  • Pete
  • 2002-11-18
  • While it doesn't have the pop hits that their first CD had, it does has a lot more depth. It has more anger and frustration, and it works better for them when taken as a whole.