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Album published in 1991 (released 2012-08-07)

It has an average rating of
9.0 10 1


Later work by a band that had many minor pop hits during the early 80's.
Created 2003-05-24 by Joe.


  • 1. Elysium 4:04
  • 2. Diablo 3:57
  • 3. Jai Ho 3:36
  • 4. Pump It 3:39
  • 5. Beatroot 2:38
  • 6. Last Time (a.k.a. Bittersweet) 3:42
  • 7. Summer 3:14
  • 8. Winter 4:01
  • 9. Apasionada 3:40
  • 10. West With the Night 3:09
  • 11. Road to Samarkand 3:25
  • 12. Victory 10 3:09
  • 13. Diablo 4:23
  • 14. Lady Gaga Medley 3:54


  • 9.0
  • Joe
  • 2003-05-24
  • This cd didn't really have any hits worth mentioning, but I'll bet anyone who listens will find at least a few songs that they have heard before. As always, very catchy songs with clever lyrics. A few classic lines: "A very acidic tongue dangled in her head..." and a few others I can't remember at the moment. If you don't hate Squeeze, you should own this cd.