Game published in 2003

It has an average rating of
7.0 10 1


Released on February 14, 2003. Due to the release date, opening day rosters don't exactly match the real thing.

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Created 2003-01-27 by Pete.
Last modified 2003-11-08 by Pete


  • 7.0
  • Pete
  • 2003-11-08
  • I've been playing the PC version for years, and this was my first console version. The graphics are ok, although I was hoping they'd be a bit better. The controls are simle and clean like their PC counterpart, which is key as that was one of the game's important features for me. One thing that I noticed is that there can be delays waiting between pitches while you're on the mound with the camera behind you; this is rather annoying if you like to speed through games like I do (no 3 hour games for me, thanks). As per usual with this series, I find basestealing problematic, but I haven't tried tweaking the settings yet so that may be fixable. The team management interface (e.g. for signing FA or moving player around the minors) is akward and cumbersome. If they can't find a more intuitive GUI they should drop the feature, as it's pretty useless as is.