Game published in 2004 (released 2004-11-23)

It has an average rating of
9.0 10 1


The initial release of WOW, now back officially as of August 26, 2019. There's no added cost to purchase, but it requires an active subscription to WOW in order to play. It will have content added in phases, impacting things like end-game raids as well as PVP. While there are some behind the scenes technical improvements to help performance, the underlying game logic is the same (yes, bugs and all).

The installations are separate, so each has its own settings/preferences and addons.

Max player level is 60, while 40 is required for the initial mount (epic mount at 60).

The first phase does not include anything really for pvp; the second phase will introduce honor (aka world pvp will start to be a thing on pve servers) and the third phase will include the initial battlegrounds. The timing for phases is not set in stone, and some content/features may be included between phases.

Created 2014-09-19 by Pete.
Last modified 2019-10-20 by Pete


  • 9.0
  • Pete
  • 2019-10-20
  • Man, it's a trip. The game is addictive as it was in 2004, although some of the missing changes occasionally really hit home (hello, spending 20 minutes running to a place only to realize you missed 1 task and have to go back). The grind to earn gold for the first mount was as hectic as I remember, in a good way. On the downside, the auction house is horrible and some of the gameplay bugs are really frustrating (broken vanish for rogues, mobs attacking you because someone in another party nearby died pulling too many, and so on). It also forces you to group up (due to slow spawns, horrible drop rates, overpowered mini-bosses, etc), which is good and bad. Leveling is really slow, but a massive reason for that is the lack of flight paths for no apparent reason. Did I mention slow spawn rates? Anyway, it's fun even if it doesn't sound like it. Sort of like running.