Star Wars II: Attack of the Clones
Movie published in 2002
It has an average rating of
Stars Ewon McGregor, Hayden Christensen, and Natalie Portman. McGregor reprises his role as Obi Wan, while Hayden is a young-adult version of Anakin Skywalker. Natalie Portman moves from being a queen to a senator.
- Pete
- 2003-07-05
- Much much better than episode I, but could still use some work. Obi Wan is awesome, as per usual. Luckily they use him much more than in the last one. The new Anakin is less annoying than his predecessor, but he's too much of a whiner still. Natalie Portman is still hot and has a strong showing. The Jedi fight scenes were on an epic scale, including a massive battle and one scene where Yoda gets his swordplay on.