Book published in 2001

It has an average rating of
9.0 10 1


Hardcover edition that includes his essays Civil Disobedience and Life Without Principle.

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Created 2002-05-12 by Pete.


  • 9.0
  • Pete
  • 2002-12-24
  • Typically when I read authors from the 19th century (or earlier), I feel a distance and a disconnect between them and me. However, in Walden I hear a modern man speaking to me. I hear a voice that resonates in my soul, and keeps my mind thinking. The beginning and end to the book are full of great thoughts, questions, and commentary. However, the middle can be hard to sort through; there are no Deep Thoughts or things to spurn you on, only a blow by blow description of his life by the pond. In the future, I'll probably only re-read the beginning and end, as the middle drags too much for me. >br< His other works are interesting. Civil Disobedience is well known, of course, and has some interesting points and quotable material.