Game published in 2000

It has an average rating of
8.0 10 1


It's a game that's aimed at a general audience, not diehard golfers. That being said, it inherits the same user interface used in The Sims. You start out with a little money and some land, and have to build a full-fledged golf resort. You also have your own golf pro that you get to take through your own course.
Created 2002-03-10 by Pete.
Last modified 2002-07-27 by Pete


  • 8.0
  • Pete
  • 2002-03-25
  • Not a bad little game, although it occasionally crashes out on my Windows XP system (note: make sure you patch the game, as there's one bug that crashes the game that they fix). It's fun making a mix-mash of holes; you can raise/lower terrain to make things a bit tricky (or easier). You can add a variety of terrain (e.g. fairway vs. rough vs. sand traps). Then you get to watch people play your course... kind of fun watching some beginner scrub shot after shot, complaining about sand, water, and/or trees. It's also interesting to play your own course. The interface for playing is extremely simple. Once you get the hang of it, you'll find yourself tweaking holes after a practice round in order to get things just right. The only thing I'm not sure of is the replay value... but I'll have to get back to you as I've only had the game for a month or so now.