Game published in 2003

It has an average rating of
8.0 10 1


A mission-driven game (primarily focused on driving, although there is some footwork involved as well). You get to play as the various main characters in the game (and even get to upgrade their atire). The game also includes a number of regular characters from the show. The voices are all from the actors in the show.

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Created 2004-03-29 by Pete.


  • 8.0
  • Pete
  • 2004-03-29
  • Very console-ish, more than likely because that's what it was designed for. That said, the game is fun to play. The voice actors from the show put in their time, and thankfully so. Some classic Homer lines if I ever heard them. I'm only a bit into the game, so I can't say the gameplay itself will hold up, but I do like crashing around Springfield and causing general havoc. Particularly with fat Homer in his mumu.