Game published in 2012 (released 2012-05-15)

It has an average rating of
8.0 10 1


Long awaited version which is rather faithful to the previous editions, obviously with upgraded graphics and new classes. As before, each time you kill the end boss, you start over but at a higher difficulty. One major change is that the game is online-only. Another is the introduction of an auction house (including one that utilizes real money).
Created 2012-08-05 by Pete.
Last modified 2012-10-15 by Pete


  • 8.0
  • Pete
  • 2012-10-15
  • It's a fun game, but I've definitely played it largely in spurts. After killing Diablo on my first toon, I didn't play for months. Then I killed him on two other toons. And now I haven't played for months again. So it's addicting in a short-term sort of way, I suppose. While I occasionally will group up with friends, the vast majority of my time was single-player. As such, my main issue is with the game being online-only. When their servers had issues or my connection was flaky, the game is unplayable. I've heard complaints from others that the auction house is a must in later tiers, but at least the first run through it's not necessary at all.