Movie published in 2001

It has an average rating of
7.0 10 1


Stars Ewan McGregor and Liam Neeson as the Jedi who find a young Anakin Skywalker. Written and directed by George Lucas.

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Created 2003-07-05 by Pete.
Last modified 2016-02-10 by Pete


  • 7.0
  • Pete
  • 2003-07-05
  • Man, what was Lucas thinking? The kid who plays Anakin is real annoying, but he's not the worst of it. Jar Jar Binx was one of the most idiotic and annoying "comedy relief" characters I've ever come across. Luckily, it wasn't all bad. The jedi fight scenes were intense (Darth Maul was awesome), and the little bits of side plot that involved the history of the jedi was also cool.