Intolerable Cruelty
Movie published in 2003
It has an average rating of
More recent Coen brothers movie. Matt Stone also helped out writing this one. Stars George Clooney and Catherine Zeta Jones. George is an ambitious high end divorce lawyer, and Catherine an ambitious money lovin' woman.
- John
- 2003-11-21
- I didn't know anything about this movie before viewing. I've liked most of Clooney's stuff, and this movie his character has a piece of "oh brother.." in it (obviously with the Coen brothers it would be so). This is a bigger budget movie for those guys, so its a little hollywoodized, but you still can tell its a brothers' piece. Also matt stone of south park fame lends his humor to the brothers' style...and it adds a more direct style. Overall its not a great movie, a step below "oh,brother" just because the story line isn't as interesting. but the acting and the writing make this piece worth seeing...if you dig the coen brothers...