Hail To The Thief
By Radiohead

Album published in 2003 (released 2003-06-10)
It has an average rating of
An album that has the feel of a combination of their past work, although it seems to favor the sound of KidA and Amnesiac. Includes single "There There", which has received a fair amount of radio and video airtime.
- 1. 2 + 2 = 5 3:19
- 2. Sit Down. Stand Up. 4:19
- 3. Sail to the Moon. 4:18
- 4. Backdrifts. 5:22
- 5. Go to Sleep. 3:21
- 6. Where I End and You Begin. 4:29
- 7. We Suck Young Blood. 4:56
- 8. The Gloaming. 3:32
- 9. There There 5:23
- 10. I Will. 1:59
- 11. A Punchup at a Wedding. 4:57
- 12. Myxomatosis. 3:52
- 13. Scatterbrain. 3:21
- 14. A Wolf at the Door. 3:25
- Pete
- 2003-07-03
- Listening to this album feels like a waken dream. It is melodic; it bends and curves and is constantly on the move. Yet at times it is also harsh and remindful that, nay, this is not a dream... only dreamlike.