Game published in 2002

It has an average rating of
9.0 10 1


College football game for the XBox. Includes real schools, but no real player names (although most players seem somewhat accurate for their numbers and ratings). There is build-a--custom-school functionality, as well as dynasty mode.

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Created 2003-01-27 by Pete.
Last modified 2003-10-28 by Pete


  • 9.0
  • Pete
  • 2003-01-27
  • A really fun game to play (I've logged about 7 full seasons worth in dynasty mode). The graphics are nice and rather smooth. The AI is pretty good. The computer is pretty good at calling plays, especially at the harder AI levels. That being said, the general player AI can be frustrating at times. The game is very stable (although it did crash once on me at halftime). I like it a lot and look forward to next year's version, assuming they make improvements (otherwise I won't bother).