Book published in 1974

It has an average rating of
9.0 10 2


A book that delves into the soldiers involved in the battle of Gettysburg during the Civil War. Winner of the Pulitzer Prize for fiction in 1975.

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Created 2001-07-29 by Pete.
Last modified 2015-11-10 by Pete


  • 9.0
  • Pete
  • 2001-09-24
  • A great book. He delves into the minds and actions of various generals and officers during the battle of Gettysburg. It's very well-written, and is also a relatively fast read for the length of it.
  • 9.0
  • Mona
  • 2003-02-19
  • I am usually not a big fan of battlefield stories but I liked this book. The characters really came alive and even though you know who wins the author managed to make it an exciting read. Shaara won a pulitzer prize for the book