Book published in 2003

It has an average rating of
7.0 10 1


Book 10 of the Wheel of Time series. Released on January 7, 2003.

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Created 2002-09-10 by Pete.
Last modified 2003-02-16 by Pete


  • 7.0
  • Pete
  • 2003-01-31
  • The book is over 600 pages, yet it seems like nothing ever really gets going. He has created so many plots and subplots, that he doesn't have enough time to give them the depth they deserve. Unfortunately, I think he gives too much depth to mundane details and minor characters. The prologue is almost a hundred pages and spans multiple characters; whatever happened to the prologue being a short chapter and not a short book? All that said, I still like the main characters in the book. I just wish he'd give them their due and move the plot along at a faster pace.